What Are We Prepping For?

I get asked a lot what are you prepping for? Why do you prepare?
Most people think of prepping as bunkers, gas masks, and end-of-the-world scenarios when prepping is way more than that.
Prepping is planning for the most likely. It is planning for what might impact your family and taking the everyday needs (and wants) to live your life into consideration.
It is thinking through how you are going to eat, have water, bathe, and do regular household chores when there is no power, water, or ten feet of snow around your house.
It is thinking through stressful situations and taking steps to make them more manageable.
It is looking at the unique needs of your family, your house, your location, and your life and taking action steps because your family is your responsibility.
Prepping is nothing more than planning for the things to come, and each of us gets to decide what that looks like. There is no wrong way to prep except not to prep at all.
I asked my followers on Instagram to share situations in their lives when preps and/or food storage came in handy. These are their stories…
Why do you prep? I'd love to hear your story of when the preps you had in place came in handy. Head to this post on IG and share yours!